
Alcester is a charming small market town set in the south-west of Shakespeare’s county, Warwickshire. The town, which is built on the site of a Roman settlement has a population of about 10,000 people, and has many places of architectural and historical interest.

welcome to Alcester

The Parish Church has an imposing 13th Century west tower with the clock face set at a peculiar angle on the south-west corner facing down the high-street. Behind the church is the War Memorial Town Hall, which has an upper room with a rough hammerbeam roof dated 1641.
Near the town centre is the award winning Malt Mill Lane complex with its Elizabethan and Georgian houses and carefully restored together with its flower bedecked byway is a popular tourist attraction.
Alcester does not however dwell on the past. Although it is in the heart of the rural countryside, it has also a wide range of industry most of which is located on the nearby industrial estate, also the main streets have an excellent range of shops and business premises.

The town has several places of worship, six schools, and a good range of sporting and recreational amenities, and an equally wide choice of clubs and organisations.
Over the past few years, Alcester has become a popular tourist attraction with many visitors returning again and again to admire the many interesting buildings and features of the town, also to enjoy the numerous floral displays which line the streets
This is supported by the local civic society who arrange tours around the town, also the town council who have recently erected fingerpost signs to aid visitors.
Alcester is a busy town, but it has a unique community spirit with residents wanting to take part in and supporting town events. This is evident by the results